TheoDORE 2.0

TheoDORE 2.0

Version 2.0 of the wavefunction analysis program TheoDORE. New features of TheoDORE 2.0:

  • Compatibility to TM >= 7.2
  • Some bugfixes related to python3

Also in 2.0_beta version:

  • Conditional electron densities for the visualisation of excited-state electron correlation, see ChemPhotoChem (2019).
  • Compatibility to python3 (by Max Menger)
  • Plot dipole and quadrupole moments (
  • Plot vibrations in Jmol (
  • Simple script for analyzing geometry optimiziations (
  • Support for fchk files from Q-Chem
  • Automatic plotting of state characters (, see Coord. Chem. Rev., 361, 74-97 (2018).
  • Volume integrals for
Size: 11.8 M
Version: 2.0