Version 3.0 of the TheoDORE wavefunction analysis package is available. Download the current version below.
New features of TheoDORE 3.0
- New user interface and documentation
- Improvement for VIST (plot_vist)
- Improvements for natural orbital analysis (analyze_nos) including unrestricted orbitals
- LOC for ionic states (analyze_tden)
- Jmol densities (jmol_mos)
- State-to-state TDM
- Updated ADF interface
- ONETEP interface
- Excitation number, modified from [DOI: (10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00963)]
Note: TheoDORE 3 has a modified user interface. To use TheoDORE call
theodore theoinp
theodore analyze_tden
theodore analyze_nos
TheoDORE – Download
Download the newest release of the TheoDORE wavefunction analysis program – TheoDORE 3.2 (22 July 2024)
Size: 12 MB
Version: 3.2
Full release notes
TheoDORE 2.4
- Visualization of chemical shielding tensors (VIST) [DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202100352]
- New pytest verification system
TheoDORE 2.3
- Compute (unpaired) densities using orbkit
- Fix for theo_test.bash
- Fix for ORCA osc. strengths
- Old RASSI interface removed (was not working properly)
TheoDORE 2.2
- Unrestricted computations in Orca (Sebastian Mai)
- Substituent-induced electron localization (SIEL) [DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01684E]
TheoDORE 2.1
- Support for DFT/MRCI
- Support for Q-Chem 5.2/5.3
- De-excitation measure (Phe) [DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00369G]
- Improvements in
- Natural orbital analysis
TheoDORE 2.0.2
- Fix for runs without openbabel
TheoDORE 2.0.1
- Updated Orca interface
- Support for all elements of the periodic table
TheoDORE 2.0
- Compatibility with TM >= 7.2
- Some bugfixes related to python3
TheoDORE 2.0_beta
- Compatibility to python3 (Max Menger)
- Conditional electron densities
- Plot dipole and quadrupole moments (
- Plot vibrations in Jmol (
- Simple script for analyzing geometry optimiziations (
- Support for fchk files from Q-Chem
- Automatic plotting of state characters (
- Volume integrals for
TheoDORE 1.7.2
- Automatic fragment generation ( by Sebastian Mai
- Fix for ricc2 with symmetry + read_binary + Om_formula=2
- Improved orbkit interface
TheoDORE 1.7.1
- ORCA: read binary file
TheoDORE 1.7
- Interface to orbkit for extended orbital/density plotting capabilities
TheoDORE 1.6
- Lowdin orthogonalization for CT numbers
- Improved algorithm for Omega matrix computation
- Support for spin-orbit coupled states (ADF)
- DFTB+ interface (Ljiljana Stojanovic)
- Improved support for Molcas/libwfa
TheoDORE 1.5.1
- New interface for ADF (reading only the TAPE21 file)
TheoDORE 1.5
- Interface to Newton-X (
- Interface to dgrid for plotting (
- Interface to gnuplot (
- Interface to VMD for plotting (
- New script for transition density matrix overlap
- Restart option for
- Minor bug fixes
TheoDORE 1.4
- Population analysis of MOs
- Interface to Terachem
- Parse libwfa output (
- Support for MOLCAS/libwfa
- Script for fragment decomposition (
- More flexible spectrum generation (
TheoDORE 1.3
- Interface for ADF
- cclib taken as part of the distribution
- Electron/hole entanglement entropy
- Automatic fragment definition by element
TheoDORE 1.2.2
- Crucial bugfix for all cclib jobs
TheoDORE 1.2.1
- Fixes for Q-Chem and Turbomole read-out
- Automatic file detection for
TheoDORE 1.2
- Extended output for e/h populations
- Support for Q-Chem/CC computations
- Fragment charge differences (experimental)
- User input
TheoDORE 1.1.4
- Bugfix for e/h correlation plots
TheoDORE 1.1.3
- Create Molden files directly from cclib output
- Enhanced exciton analysis
- Support for Mayer bond order analysis
- Add script for generating a convoluted spectrum
- Improved print out
TheoDORE 1.1.2
- Support for MOLCAS rassi calculations
- Some adjustments for Q-Chem 4.3
- Fix for FIREFLY ECP computations
TheoDORE 1.1.1
- Improved output and graphics
TheoDORE 1.1
- Interface to cclib for parsing of ORCA, Gaussian, GAMESS and other programs
- Parsing of binary files for ricc2 response vector read-out
- New script for convenient generation of graphs
- New script for creating tables in LaTeX format
- Additional Utility scripts
TheoDORE 1.0
- First release